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WEEK 3: Snacking, Fat Bombs & Food Cravings

When you first start keto, it can be overwhelming. But it doesn't need to be if you break it down into manageable steps. After you've mastered breakfast and lunch you are well on your way to keto expertise! But what about when you are hungry between meals or the munchies hit? What can you snack on so you are satisfied and don't fall off the keto bandwagon? The answers that are best for your optimal health may surprise you both in how simple they are and how delicious they are!! Start by listening to this video training on how to indulge the snack monster, conquer the cravings, and stay keto strong!!

Then scroll through the links below for the many fat bomb options. Keto on and enjoy even more deliciousness!!

60 FREE Fat Bomb Recipes by Martina Slajerova– Keto Made Easy Cookbook, Is Keto Right for Me?, Qele, Mineral Garden, & Relax

Jennifer Winder's Facebook Page for even more FREE recipes - Jennifer's recipe subscription

For Mfinity Global products, please reach out to the person who shared this information with you OR you can contact Carolee directly at

Updated 8/21


Keto Fat Bombs

This link features 77+ recipes of fat bombs (more are being added!) in every flavor including lemon, peppermint, chocolate, strawberry, peanut butter, almond butter, pumpkin, granola, and many more!! Each of these recipes include the macros. With this many, there is sure to be a favorite for everyone!

Keto Ice Cream

We have an entire page dedicated to keto ice cream recipes which you can access HERE! Depending on the recipe, keto ice cream can either be a fat bomb or a full meal replacement especially when you are using the KetoFuel. Because this post is all about ways to increase your fat, I am only including links to the ice cream recipes that are all or almost all fat with very low protein.

Even More Keto Desserts

Devilishly Decadent Desserts: Your Taste Buds will Thank You! If you are still on the hunt for more amazing Keto Desserts than consider the cookbook by food connoisseur Becky Gaisford! Becky is the keto expert who has brought wonderful things to us like the perfect Sweet Rolls and Creme Brulee. For her, delicious isn't good enough. Only the perfect flavor profiles will do. So when she releases a recipe -- you know it will be the BEST! You can find it on Amazon.

High Fat Side Condiments and Dipping Sauces

Use the following ideas to add fat to any meal or use the dipping sauces for getting in more of those amazing veggies!!


-macadamia nuts

-avocado or individual servings of Guacamole (now available in organic versions at many Costcos, Walmarts, and Sam's Clubs!)

-MCT oil

-homemade Mayo, Ranch, or other keto friendly salad dressings


For some fantastic healthy versions of ketchup, BBQ, mayo, hollandaise sauce, cowboy butter, white sauce, terriyaki and more! visit this page:

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